Helping International Students Find English-Taught Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs at Japanese Universities

IV. Are There Any Typically Japanese Clubs/Circles?

As we mentioned in III. What Kind of Activities are Available?, some clubs and circles in Japan allow you to enjoy traditional and cultural activities. There is no doubt that participating in such groups represents a valuable experience for international students.
In this section, we will introduce you to some aspects of Japanese culture which are often practiced in extracurricular activities.

By the way, you will find that many traditional arts have names that end with “dō”, or the kanji character “道”, which literally means “way”. Such practices are likely to be related to Zen, and show a “way” of cultivating your mind.

Sports type activities


Kyūdō is an art often referred to as Japanese archery. It derives from the ancient art of bows and arrows as a weapon, combined with the principles of Zen and Confucianism. A prominent difference between kyūdō and archery is the fact that kyūdō is not merely a sport, and one of its aims is to enhance mental concentration. Kyūdō is performed wearing a kind of kimono called a hakama.


Kendo evolved from traditional samurai training methods around the 16th century. In modern kendo, kendoka fight one-on-one using bamboo swords called shinai. It may often be likened to Western sports such as fencing, but one of the aims of kendo is to train the mind. There are also strict rules that dictate and ritualize the attack methods. Kendoka wear a hakama like with kyūdō as well as protective gear on their head, torso, etc.


Judo also evolved from traditional martial arts and many of you may already be familiar with it since it is now popular around the world. Judokas fight one-on-one on a tatami floor, and compete using throwing and grappling techniques. They wear a type of hakama called judo-gi.


Aikido is fought without a weapon, instead it requires the use of an energy called “ki”. “Ki” is an invisible force that is said to exist in the natural world, and it is also known as the model of “the Force” in the Star Wars franchise. In aikido, physical power plays a small role compared to other martial arts, which makes it popular among many people regardless of their age or sex.

Shōrinji Kempō

Shōrinji Kempō is a martial art that dates back to the Meiji period. Its aims are self-defense training, cultivation of the mind and health enhancement. The founder shaped this art with his own creative ideas after training in China.


Probably one of the most widely known forms of combat sports, the goal of karate is to defend yourself and control your opponent mainly with hand strikes and kicks. It was developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom (current Okinawa) from the indigenous martial arts of the kingdom with influences from various Chinese fighting disciplines.

Cultural activities


Sadō, also known as the “Japanese tea ceremony”, was perfected by renowned tea master Sen no Rikyū in the 16th century. It was originally conceived as a way for hosts to welcome their guests by serving them matcha tea (a type of green tea) and, therefore, sadō places as much importance on style as on emotion, the “heart of welcoming one’s guests”.


With over 500 years of history, kadō, –more commonly known as ikebana– is the traditional Japanese art of flower arrangement. Arranging flowers and enhancing their beauty is considered to help you feel the passing of the seasons and enrich your mind.


Shodō is a type of calligraphy for which you use a brush and ink called sumi. The foremost goal being to write letters beautifully, this art form is deeply rooted in the Japanese life, and is even taught in elementary schools.
New kinds of shodō have also arisen in recent years. For example, some place as much emphasis on the beauty of the writing as on the writing performance in itself.


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