Helping International Students Find English-Taught Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs at Japanese Universities

International Christian University (ICU)

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

Natural Sciences Program, Master's Course

In the Master's course, students delve deeper into their field of study to enhance their research abilities and to acquire the professional skills necessary for their future career.
In the Natural Sciences Program, we provide specialized training in various scientific fields, enabling students to understand their fields within the framework of science as a whole. Our goal is to nurture leaders who can help society by means of science.
We have various scholarships to enhance MA student life and research.
・The Graduate School Scholarships for Newly Entering Students
・ICU Scholarships (for Japanese nationals and permanent/long-term residents)
・ICU Non-Japanese Student Scholarship (for foreign nationals)
・The Graduate School Students Research Presentation Grant

Degree Information
Degree Master's
Type of Degree Master of Arts (M.A. in Natural Sciences)
Subject - Biology (Anthropology, Basic Biology, etc.)
- Chemistry (Applied Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, etc.)
- Environmental Science (Environmental Conservation, Sustainable and Environmental System Development, etc.)
- Informatics (Human Informatics, Principles of Informatics, etc.)
- Mathematical and Physical Sciences (Astronomy, Plasma Science, etc.)
Major Mathematics and Information Science, Material Science, Life Science
Duration 2 Years
Entry Date - April 1, 2024
- September 1, 2024
Location 3-10-2 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8585, JAPAN
Area Kanto Region (Tokyo, etc.)
Postgraduate Program Started April, 1957 (Reformed April, 2010)
No. of Students 11 (As of May 1, 2023)
No. of Full and Part-Time Faculty Members 28 (As of May 1, 2023)
Tuition Fees 1,665,000 yen (Matriculation Fee, Tuition Fee & Facilities Fee)
Additional Information School-wide courses systematically provide the basic coursework for all our students.
The four programs in the Master's course allow students to pursue their course of study across the arts and sciences. These programs enable us to provide interdisciplinary education and cross-disciplinary research.
《Voice of Students》
* Faculty members at ICU Graduate School are very supportive even though I am a part-time worker; I feel ICU is a wonderful environment to balance learning and working when one has will to do so.
* Many of MA courses are geared towards preparing and conducting academic research as well as analyzing data and writing reports.
* In addition to kind advice and instructions from the professors, abundant academic resources in the library support me on a daily basis.
* ICU Graduate School has a system in which students can study not only their major but also other subjects they are interested in. With a low student-faculty ratio, students can go to professors' offices without hesitation and talk about their studies and research.
* ICU provides its students with an ideal environment for academic study through the full support of its committed faculty and staff, its green campus, and its number one ranked library system in Japan. Many international students from all over the world choose ICU as their location for academic study.
Contact Graduate School Group, ICU
TEL: +81-422-33-3231 FAX: +81-422-33-3688
Admission Information
Admission Capacity 9
Application Type Open to everyone
Eligibility Please refer to "A. Master's Course REGULAR STUDENTS 1. Eligibility" on p. 12 of "Admissions Handbook"(pdf) <>.
Application Period Please refer to the following website.
"Applying" <>
"Admissions Schedule"
Examination Type & Date 1st Screening: Documentary Screening
2nd Screening: Interview
Presence in Japan Required for Screening Process No
Admission Fee 35,000 yen

As of July 12, 2023


University and program information, costs, dates, policies are subject to change; please confirm important facts with university admission personnel.